Technical Only | Stain and Return
The immunohistochemistry laboratory at the University of Nebraska Medical Center offers over 150 different immunohistochemistry stains that can be used to help in the diagnosis of a wide range of malignancies and infectious diseases. There are 6 Ventana Benchmark ULTRA instruments and 1 Ventana Discovery ULTRA instrument in the laboratory. Over 56,000 immunohistochemistry stains are performed each year. The stains are typically performed using a brown chromogen; however, upon request a red chromogen may be used for the S100, Melan A, Sox10 and PRAME stains. Positive controls are typically placed on the same slide as the patient specimen (space permitting).
Immunohistochemistry staining on outside material can be performed using the paraffin block (preferred) or unstained positively charged slides. If submitting unstained slides please submit a minimum of 2 additional unstained slides so that we can automatically repeat the stain in case of stain failure.
Except for consultations, staining of outside material is typically performed as a technical-only service. Upon request we will perform stain interpretation for stains involving infectious diseases and for therapeutic purposes (ex. ER, Her2/neu, PD-L1).
Methodology: Immunohistochemistry
Performed: Monday–Friday
Reported: 1–3 days
Specimen Preparation
Storage/Transport/Stability Temperature
Unacceptable Conditions